Plan Review (E-Plan)

Project engineering plan

Plan Review

The Plan Review Section of Development Engineering reviews all subdivision and commercial development plans for compliance with Orange County government regulations.

"E" Project Plan

E-Permits are generally for work in the right of way that adds or modifies public infrastructure and which will be maintained by the county, thus a driveway is normally not an E project permit but a Right-of-Way Permit. Only if there is additional work adding or modifying a public facility maintained by the public would it be an E Permit. Normally driveways are not maintained by the County.

E-Permits are reviewed by Plan Review and Right-of-Way Permits are reviewed by the Permitting Section. As before off-site improvements need to be reviewed by The Chief Engineer of Permitting regardless of what kind of permit it is called.

Commercial driveways on existing developed lots, which do not have a commercial plan accompanying the permit should be reviewed solely by the Right-of-Way permit section as a Right-of-Way Permit. All other driveway permits should be reviewed with the commercial site plans by Plan Review.

Requests for driveway permits on undeveloped lots may be reviewed and conditioned as temporary driveways for access only subject to change upon approval of the development plan or commercial site plan.

Contact Us

Orange County Public Works
Development & Engineering
Plan Review Section
4200 South John Young Pkwy
Orlando, FL. 32836-9205

Micah Massaquoi
Inspections Section

Phone: (407) 836-7907 Fax: (407) 836-8003

All e-mail sent to this address becomes part of Orange County public record. Comments received by our e-mail subsystem can be read by anyone who requests that privilege. In compliance with "Government in the Sunshine" laws, Orange County Government must make available, at request, any and all information not deemed a threat to the security of law enforcement agencies and personnel.