Featured Stories

Extra-Special Preparation Required for Extra-Special Community During Emergency Situations

Leaving home on a moment’s notice can be stressful for anyone. Imagine the confusion and chaos an elderly friend or special needs neighbor might experience during a weather emergency or evacuation. Would they understand what was happening? Remember to pack medication, eyeglasses, hearing aids or other important supplies? Would they know who to call...

Community Action Division Helps Low-income Seniors Stay Cool

May is Community Action Month, and the Orange County Community Action Division has no shortage of programs to assist low-income families who want to...

Blustery Days are a Breeze with Proactive Tree Maintenance Plan

Mature trees that canopy your home could actually be a menace during a severe storm or hurricane. Fallen or flying branches can destroy property,...

Orange County Green PLACE Program Celebrates New Bird Blind at Johns Lake Conservation Area

While the newest amenity at Johns Lake Conservation Area near Winter Garden might look like a simple wooden box, the 20-foot-long structure is actually...

Community & Services

Community Action Division Helps Low-income Seniors Stay Cool

May is Community Action Month, and the Orange County Community Action Division has no shortage of programs to assist low-income families who want to achieve economic stability. One such federally funded grant program is...

Orange County Green PLACE Program Celebrates New Bird Blind at Johns Lake Conservation Area

While the newest amenity at Johns Lake Conservation Area near Winter Garden might look like a simple wooden box, the 20-foot-long structure is actually the latest effort by Orange County and its Green PLACE...

Planning for the Future: Orange County Works on Growth Blueprint with Orange Code and Vision 2050

Anticipating a population increase of 500,000 by 2030, Orange County is rethinking how and where it should grow. The County’s planned overhaul of its land development rules and regulations — known as Orange Code — emphasizes diverse housing options, sustainability and walkable spaces. It also commits to protecting rural and natural places. The rewrite...

Public Health & Safety

Extra-Special Preparation Required for Extra-Special Community During Emergency Situations

Leaving home on a moment’s notice can be stressful for anyone. Imagine the confusion and chaos an elderly friend or special needs neighbor might experience during a weather emergency or evacuation. Would they understand...

Blustery Days are a Breeze with Proactive Tree Maintenance Plan

Mature trees that canopy your home could actually be a menace during a severe storm or hurricane. Fallen or flying branches can destroy property, break windows, block evacuation routes and disrupt power lines. Conversely,...

Orange County Adopts CDC Initiative to Reduce Fatal and Nonfatal Overdoses

In order to address the increasing number of overdose deaths related to prescription opioids and illicit drugs, Orange County has engaged with the Centers for Disease Control and recently was awarded a grant funded by the CDC to implement its Stop Overdose campaigns locally. The series of campaigns focuses on four key areas: the...


Orange County’s “Dream Builders”: First-ever Conference Celebrates Team 400

Orange County issues roughly 81,000 vertical building permits a year — including projects small in scope, like a 150-square-foot addition to a single-family home, to projects that are truly “Epic” in size, like Universal’s...

Orange County Construction Update: Kirkman Road Extension Moving Ahead

With Universal’s Epic Universe theme park scheduled to open by the summer of 2025, road construction has begun on the Kirkman Road extension project — the addition of 1.7 miles of road that will...

Orange County Consumer Protection Office Helping Victims of Fraud

Consumer protection is the practice of safeguarding buyers of goods and services, and the public, against unfair practices in the marketplace. If you believe you are a victim of fraud or unfair business practices, you may file a complaint with the Orange County Consumer Protection Office, a valuable local resource. After your complaint is received,...